Monday, April 6

Tear Sheets!: The Art of Seduction

According to Glamour Magazine's May issue

Belle also has 6 ways to meet a man

The Single Girl has 3 ways to win/keep a man

We all know Steve Harvey says Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man and Whitney Casey has a Man Plan

So if you're looking for a spring fling or a summer love, there is a WEALTH of information floating around on how to snag a man. I read Steve Harvey's book for a book club, read Belle and Parlour religiously, so I've soaked up quite a bit. But aside from space, opportunity and availability, I think ladies should tap into their brains and instincts in order to snag and keep a man. People are so different and there are so many exceptions no 3, 6, or 9 things are going to work in particular. Don't get discouraged, make yourself available, but never desperate and never NEVER settle. Am I offering love advice?? Time to go.


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